In Memory of






Condolence From: Ron Gepford
Condolence: Sorry to hear about the passing of Uncle Bill. I have fond childhood memories of staying with him and Aunt Sue and my buddy Joe. I remember Uncle Bill hated those Siamese cats that lived in the rafters in the garage. He always threatened to do them in, and as I recall Sue would not let him. Aunt Sue always had honey in a jar for me when I stayed. Thanks for the memories to you both.
Tuesday October 25, 2016
Condolence From: Susan Kilgore
Condolence: So sorry to hear of Bill's passing but so happy he is now in heaven with the Lord. I have fond memories of teaching to play some piano many years ago and his kindness and wonderful smile. Prayers for you Sue and the family at this difficult time. I haven't seen all of you in a long time but Bill will be missed! ~ Susan
Tuesday October 25, 2016